(1) In the 1st Parable of the Sower, the mystery aspect of that parable is the fact that there will be "a remnant amoung the remnant" so to speak - a very elite group of believers within the little flock who will stand fast in their doctrine to the end - just like the writer of Hebrews and James have been exhorting the little flock to do.
This is that group of believers who will endure Israel's Vain Apostate Religious System and the Satanic Policy of Evil against God and His program, all the way to the end of the Tribulation to the 2nd coming of Christ.
We also saw in that parable that there will be some members of the little flock who will not endure to the end of the Tribulation. some of them will drop off rather early, during Phase 1 of the Satanic Policy of Evil against them.
Some will drop off during Phase 2, and some will drop off during Phase 3 - when their lives are now in danger, and members of the little flock are being killed because of their doctrinal stance.
We began to see that in the book of James.
In the mystery kingdom parable series, we saw how that those who do fail to endure to the end, may very well have been true believers within the little flock, and that they do have individual Justification unto eternal life, but because they did not have the ability to endure to the end, they will be "cast out into outer darkness."
And that "outer darkness" had nothing to do with hell or eternal damnation. Outer darkness is simply everything outside of the kingdom, and that because they did endure to the end. Those who are going to be cast out into outer darkness, but who eventually will be taken into the kingdom, are those who Christ was referring to when He stated that "many that are first shall be last." In other words, they may have been believing members of the little flock from the very first, but they did not endure to the end, and therefore they will be the last ones to enter into the kingdom. That whole issue was explained comprehensively when we analyzed the Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard in Matt. 20.
(2) In the 2nd Parable of the Wheat and tares, the mystery aspect of that parable was the fact that the tares, the children of the devil, are supposed to be allowed to remain right there in the midst of the true believers all the way until the end of the tribulation - a truly shocking thing, when you see how the ungodly influence of the tares will be continually working against the plan and purpose of God through the little flock. The tares will be constantly attempting to coerce members of the little flock back into Israel's Vain Apostate Religious System.
(3) In the Parable of the Mustard Seed, we saw that the mystery aspect of this parable is the fact that the Lord's doctrine for the little flock is going to be corrupted - first by the influence of Israel's Vain Apostate Religious System and then ultimately by the false religion of the Antichrist.
(4) In the Parable of the Women Leavening Three Measures of Meal, we saw how that the Antichrist will accomplish the establishing of his false religious system, and how that it will begin right there in Jerusalem, spread throughout all of Judea, and then ultimately throughout the Middle East, and probably even beyond that, as the Antichrist is attempting to deceive and corrupt the thinking of everyone on the earth.
These 2nd, 3rd and 4th parables all deal with the corruptive influences against God's doctrine, which will make the ministry of the little flock appear to be a complete failure. So the little flock needs to expect that. Yet they need to stand fast in the Lord's doctrine, and they are even supposed to be trying to convert members of Israel's Vain Apostate Religious System, even right up until the end.
Parables 5, 6 are related.
The Parable of the Treasure Hidden in the Field pertains to those members of the little flock who are outside the land.
The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price also pertains to members of the little flock who are outside the land, but probably more specifically to those members of the little flock who will be in Babylon at that time.
(7) And finally, the Parable of the Net Cast into the Sea illustrates how that Gentiles outside of the nation Israel will be held accountable for any interactions which they may have had with members of the Little flock during their time of great Tribulation. See Matthew 25
Grace Bible Church of Rolling Meadows
Kingdom Parables Series: