Grace Bible Church of Rolling Meadows

A Dispensational Overview of the Bible

John Klasen

Part 1

Genesis - Deuteronomy

Jan 28, 2024

The order in which the books of the Bible are arranged present a progressive timeline of what God has done in the past with mankind and the nation of Israel, what God is currently doing through the church, the body of Christ today, and what God will be doing again in the future, with and through the nation Israel, when Israel's prophetic kingdom program resumes again.

Genesis is the book of beginnings. There are five critically important beginnings in Genesis chapters 1-12, the last of which is the beginning of a new nation which will be established through the seed of Abraham. That nation will be the means through which God will accomplish his purpose for the earth in accordance with God's two-fold purpose for the universe. In the book of Genesis, we also see the four divine institutions which have been established by God for the successful functioning and orderly maintenance of human society.

In Leviticus 23, Israel's seven feasts provide a remarkable prophetic picture of Israel's calendar of redemption, and in Leviticus 26, Israel's entire history is prophetically outlined in the five courses of punishment which Israel will experience before their kingdom program is ultimately established.

In the book of Numbers, we see how that a lack of faith in Jehovah (by most of the Israelites) to successfully enable Israel to go in and take their promised land results in 40 years of wandering in the wilderness until every one of those faithless Israelites have died off the scene.

Then in Deuteronomy, a new generation is being prepared to go in and possess the land.

Part 2

Deuteronomy - Isaiah

Feb 04, 2024

In the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, Israel begins their conquest of the promised land under the leadership of Joshua.

In Judges, the nation of Israel becomes involved in the worshipping of false gods, and falls victim to God's 1st course of punishment predicted in Leviticus 26.

1 Samuel sees the beginning of a long succession of kings who will rule the northern and southern kingdoms until the time of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities, as Israel goes on to experience the 2nd through 5th courses of punishment, and is removed from their land. In 2 Samuel, the great Davidic Covenant is established through king David.

In 1 Kings, the reign of king Solomon presents a prophetic picture of what Christ's reign will be like when Israel's everlasting kingdom will be established on the earth.

The books of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther provide a prophetic picture of the return of Israel to the promised land and God's providential preservation of the nation, until that day when Israel's never ending kingdom will be established.

Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon are written to educate the future believers within Israel, how they must prepare for, and respond to, their time of great tribulation preceding the 2nd coming of Christ.

The prophets will now educate Israel further, on what to expect while living under the 5th course of punishment.

Part 3

Isaiah - John

Mar 31, 2024

In Part 2, Israel had fallen under the 5th course of chastisement outlined in Leviticus 26, and we began looking into the writings of the Old Testament prophets.

With the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities under that 5th course of chastisement, the writing prophets educate Israel on what to expect as they are living under that 5th course of chastisement. This is now that time period which God refers to as “the times of the Gentiles”, which will continue until the 2nd coming of Christ.

The prophet Daniel is given God's remarkable prophecy of how Israel's prophetic program will play out during the last days. The other prophets provide a multitude of details pertaining to the 1st and 2nd comings of Christ. After the writings of Israel's last prophet, there are 400 years of silence from God, as generations of faithful Jews await the prophesied coming of their Messiah.

The long awaited arrival of Israel's Messiah is recorded in four separate gospel accounts which present four very important aspects of the Messiah's person and mission according to prophecy. Israel's prophesied Messiah is ultimately rejected and crucified by His own nation.

Part 4

Acts - Romans

Apr 07, 2024

Following the rejection and crucifixion of their Messiah, through the ministry of Peter and the apostles, the nation of Israel is given an additional year in which to repent of their mistake and to accept Jesus of Nazareth for who he actually was, but with the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, Israel's one year extension of mercy and forbearance comes to an end, and Israel's prophetic kingdom program is cut off - all in accordance with the parable of the fig tree which Christ had given to his followers in Lk.13:6-9.

Acts goes on to demonstrate the temporary setting aside of the nation of Israel as God raises up the apostle Paul to usher in an entirely new program for the church, the body of Christ, for today.

In Romans, Paul explains how that individual justification is now available to any person, apart from the nation Israel, now that Israel's program has been temporarily cut off. The gospel of the grace of God which Paul explains in Romans 3 is now the only gospel which has the power to save an individual today.

In the book of Romans, we find the five most important verses in the entire Bible for any unsaved person living today.

Romans then goes on to lay the foundation for all doctrine pertaining to the church, the body of Christ, in this present age.

This is part of God's “mystery” program, which had never before been revealed in scripture.

Part 5

1 Corinthians - Hebrews

Oct 13, 2024

The rest of Paul's epistles provide progressive layers of doctrinal information for the church, the body of Christ, all in accordance with God's design for the edification, maturity and perfection of believers in this current age.

That edification process is outlined by Paul in 2 Tim.3:16-17 and consists of doctrine, reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness.

Hebrews is then written for the Jews of the future, when Israel's prophetic kingdom program resumes again. Israel's program will pick up exactly where it left off in Acts 7, where Israel's prophetic program had been cut off, and Hebrews will re-orient the Jews of the future to the fact that Christ was who He claimed to be, and that He is now ready to accomplish all that He has promised to the nation Israel.

Part 6


Oct 20, 2024

Throughout the book of Hebrews, we see repeated exhortations to the little flock of true believers within the nation of Israel to stand fast in the doctrines which they have been given by Christ and His apostles.

The role of Christ as Israel's Apostle and High priest are set forth in chapters 3‑10, and then the little flock of true believers are given encouragements to enable them to stand fast in those doctrines in light of escalating persecutions against them from the apostate religious element within the nation.

Part 7


Nov 17, 2024

Persecutions against the little flock of true believers within the nation of Israel continue to escalate as members of the little flock are now being killed because of their doctrinal stance.

James provides continued encouragements to the little flock of true believers to continue to stand fast and endure to the end of these escalating persecutions.

Peter assures the little flock of true believers that the persecutions against them will come to an end with the 2nd coming of Christ, and that it will be more than worth it for them to stand fast and to endure to the end. Even if they are killed for their faith, they will be resurrected directly into the kingdom.

The Satanic policy of evil against the little flock during the 7 year tribulation period is in full view now, as Peter identifies the devil (Satan) as the one who is walking about, seeking whom he may devour.

Part 8

1 - 2 Peter

Feb 02, 2025

The little flock of true believers are now in the heart of the 7 year tribulation. This is Daniel's 70th week, according to Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 9. Satan's intent is to exterminate every member within the little flock of true believers, so that he can declare himself as the Messiah, in the person of the Antichrist - just as Christ had explained to His followers in Matthew 24:15.

The little flock of true believers are cautioned to be on guard constantly against Satan's policy of evil. One of Satan's tactics will be be to infiltrate the little flock of true believers with false prophets and teachers who will be demonstrating false signs and wonders and attempting to draw members of the little flock back into Israel's apostate religious system and the false religious system of the Antichrist. These are the tares referred to in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares given by Christ in Matthew 13.

John begins introducing a series of tests to enable the little flock to identify who these false apostles and teachers are.

Transcript Parables Handout

1 John - Jude

Apr 26, 2015

John continues providing tests so that the little flock of true believers will be able to identify who among them are the false apostles and teachers who are part of Satan's policy of evil against them.

This is a critical issue for the little flock, since they have been instructed to allow those false brethren to remain in their presence until Christ returns and separates the wheat from the tares according to the parable in Matthew 13.

Jude points out to the little flock of believers that evil will not only be escalating against them, but that evil and ungodliness will be reaching it's zenith throughout the world.

Christ described those days to come as being similar to the days of Noah, when every imagination of the thoughts of men will be only evil continually.

Jude continues to encourage the little flock of true believers to continue to stand fast as judgement against all this evil and ungodliness is certain to take place very soon.

Revelation 1-3 and final comments

May 03, 2015

In the book of Revelation, we see the culmination of all prophecy, the 2nd coming of Christ, and the establishment of Israel's prophesied kingdom here on the earth.

This that literal, physical, earthly, Davidic kingdom which had been spoken by the mouth all God's holy prophets since the world began — as Peter preached in Acts 3:19‑21.

In chapters 2 and 3, we see some final words of instruction for members of the little flock of true believers, in seven specific churches, which will be present in Asia Minor in the future during the time of Israel's great tribulation.