Because of the large amount of interest with regard to the topic of the purpose of Christ's 1st Coming over the past few weeks, I have put together a final overview that brings together all the aspects of the Purpose for Christ's 1st Coming, and its relationship to the Gospel of John. It is a little longer than usual, but it addresses all the interests, comments and questions that have come up regarding this important topic.
Evangelism and the Gospel of John
The Gospel of John is taught traditionally as the instruction manual for personal evangelism for individual/personal salvation in the Dispensation of Grace. We have demonstrated that this is a great error and is not what Christ's earthly ministry was primarily about. Paul says it best and most succinctly: Christ came AT THAT TIME to bring about Israel's NATIONAL salvation by confirming and fulfilling God's promises to Israel's fathers through which the Gentiles would worship God with Israel and through her rise (Rom. 15:8‑12). The first promise He made to Abraham and reiterated to Moses was that He would make of you a great and holy NATION (Gen. 12:2; Ex. 19:6). Of course, if historic Christianity's great lie that God is all done with the literal physical Nation of Israel is accepted, and that He has now replaced her with us, the new spiritual Israel, then you will not see a need for Israel's NATIONAL salvation, and in ruling it out of your thinking, you will make the Gospel Accounts mean whatever you or your religious and theological systems want it to mean.
Recognizing this does not diminish one bit the importance and value of individual salvation and personal forgiveness of sins. I am sure there were many individual unbelievers in Israel during Christ's ministry who heard and believed God's word through Jesus and were instantly and eternally personally “saved.” Jesus and the angels rejoiced (Lk. 15:10), and so do I! But God had continuously been providing individual salvation for sinners going all the way back to the fall of Adam. Abraham believed God and God counted His faith for righteousness (2,000 BC) and so did Moses (1,500 BC), David (1,000 BC) and, Daniel (500 BC), and it was still happening in Jesus's day (30 AD).
While it was always the right time to provide sinners with individual personal salvation by faith, Christ came AT THAT TIME, a very specific time, God's time as revealed in Daniel's Time Schedule (Dan. 9:25‑26). It was now time to provide for Israel's NATIONAL salvation. The NATION was in ruin. It was held captive to a Vain Religious System (VRS) under the rule of the Gentiles, who were under the rule of Satan. Mary and Zacharias, Simeon and Anna (Lk. 1-2) were all waiting and watching for God to send Someone to rescue and deliver the NATION of Israel. Someone who could fulfill God's promises to Israel's fathers and make them into His Own Great and Holy Nation (Gen. 12:2; Ex. 19:6). In short, Someone needed to come to provide for Israel's NATIONAL salvation. The Gospel Accounts announce that that time had come, and that Person was God's Own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was the greater prophet like unto Moses that God had promised to send (Deut. 18:15, 18). He will lead believing Israel, the Believing Remnant of Israel, through a greater Exodus than that of Moses. An Exodus out of apostate Israel and the whole Gentile world so that He could make of them His Own great and holy Nation, whom He will raise above all other nations (Deut. 14:13; Is. 60) and through whom He will establish His Kingdom of Righteousness and Peace on the Earth. Jesus Christ primarily came to call His Own people, the Believing Remnant of Israel, those who ALREADY believed in God and had ALREADY received individual salvation, out of unbelieving Israel and the world (Jn. 17) so that they could participate in Israel's NATIONAL salvation as well.
In this light, verses that had been twisted to refer to personal evangelism can be left standing straight. Verses like:
Jn. 2:11—After the miraculous sign of the changing of water into wine, John says the disciples believed on Him. HUH? Wait a minute. Is this evangelism? Is this the disciples participating in individual salvation? Justification before God and His Tribunal with forgiveness of all personal sins unto eternal life? Certainly, not! Before Jesus arrived on the scene, the disciples had ALREADY been the followers of John the Baptist and were ALREADY believers in God! Certainly, they had already believed in GOD, and like Abraham, God had ALREADY counted their faith for righteousness—individual personal salvation (Gen. 15:6; Rom. 4:3)!
Here we find the disciples, who were ALREADY believers in the God, are now in Jn. 2 believers in Jesus, believing in Jesus as God's Sent One. The One like Moses who would lead believing Israel (those who were ALREADY participating in PERSONAL salvation) out of the apostate nation and Gentile world and into their long-prophesied Kingdom so that they could also participate in Israel's NATIONAL salvation—justification before Christ at His 2nd Coming with forgiveness of sins they had as Israelites associated with Israel's NATIONAL debt of sins by faith plus works.
Jn. 3:21—Here we have a clear statement of what is happening in the Gospel of John. He that doeth the truth comes to the Light that his deeds might be manifest that they are wrought in God. HUH? Wait a minute! Is this personal evangelism? Doesn't evangelism, in fact, say the very opposite? In this verse those who were ALREADY practicing the truth and who were ALREADY doing good works, come to the Light. Evangelism, however, says sinners need to first come to the Light, the Lord Jesus Christ, by faith and then they can participate in the truth and do the good works of God. Many commentators recognize the problem here, and if it weren't so serious, it is almost comical watching the hoops they will jump through to try to throw away what God says in this verse and twist it into agreeing with their theological presuppositions.
But let's let God's Word stand. This verse says that those who are ALREADY doing the truth—who ALREADY belong to the God of truth, who are ALREADY participating in the truth, worshipping God in spirit and truth—and who ALREADY have God working in and through them—are the ones who go to the Son when He arrives! In other words, God the Father is handing those who ALREADY believe in and belong to Him--those who are ALREADY participating in individual personal salvation--over to the Son, so that they can also participate in Israel's NATIONAL salvation, enjoying their eternal life in the presence of the King in Israel's Kingdom of Heaven on Earth forevermore. In short, those who ALREADY believe in and belong to the Father, will recognize the Father in the Son when He comes because Jesus only speaks the words and does the works His Father told Him thereby receiving Him by believing (Jn. 8:38).
Jn. 5:38, 39, 46, 47—Here we have the corollary to Jn. 3:21. There, those who believe, receive and follow the Son do so because they ALREADY believe in and belong to the Father. Here, the reason people don't believe, receive, and follow the Son is—despite their claim otherwise--because they don't really believe in God, the Scriptures or Moses. In short, it is because they don't really know God, they don't recognize the Father in the Son and reject Him in unbelief. Jesus the Light exposes their lie, and they hate it. If they really knew God, they would receive the Son because the Father sent Him. If they really believed the Scriptures and Moses (He is talking to those who claimed to be the experts in the Scriptures, especially those of Moses!), they would believe in Jesus because the Scriptures testify of Him, and He is the One Moses wrote about. In rejecting participation in individual personal salvation by not believing in God, they also rejected participation in Israel's NATIONAL salvation by not believing in Jesus their Lord, Messiah (Christ) and King.
Jn. 6:44‑45—No one can go to Jesus Christ unless the Father draws, leads them to Him. Those who ALREADY have God working in and through them (Jn. 3:21) and who had ALREADY heard and learned and been taught of the Father, are the ones who come to His Sent One, the Lord Jesus Christ. These were ALREADY believers in God. They ALREADY had INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL salvation, but now the Father draws them to the Son, so that Jesus can equip and train, safekeep and preserve them for their ministry in His absence, especially as they go through the Tribulation Period and are ushered into the Kingdom at His 2nd Coming. A classic example of this is with Peter and his confession in Mat. 16:16‑17.
Jn. 8:37‑38, 42‑47—Notice here that it is those who ALREADY love the Father, who ALREADY belong to the Father, who will love and believe the Son because He says the words and does the works of the Father. Evangelism says the exact opposite: God saves ungodly sinners on enemy status before Him (Rom. 5:6‑10)! In Jn. 8:47, he that is ALREADY of God—who ALREADY belongs to God—hears His Sent One because Jesus spoke the words of the Father. Those who rejected the Son in unbelief, had ALREADY rejected the Father in unbelief.
Jn. 10:1-12—This passage epitomizes what the Gospel of John is presenting. Notice, the Good Shepherd is calling His Own sheep, those sheep that ALREADY belong to Him. They follow Him because they know His voice. He will “save” His sheep. “Save” them from what? In context, it is the robbers and thieves that want to kill and destroy them, typified of the Vain Religious System of Israel that was holding the Believing Remnant of Israel captive and causing them to suffer (Mat. 4:23-5:12). He will die for His sheep, which John later identifies as His friends (Jn. 15:13). This is the exact opposite of personal evangelism. Here the sheep are those who ALREADY have received individual salvation and are now following their Shepherd who will lead them safely into Israel's NATIONAL salvation—the Kingdom.
Jn. 14:1-11—Believe in God, believe also in Me. HUH? Wait a minute. Here we are at the very end of Christ's earthly ministry and the disciples have been with Him for about 3 yrs., and He is now telling them to believe in Him? I thought at the very least they had already believed in Him way back at the beginning of His ministry in Jn. 2:11! If this refers to personal evangelism, are we to think that the disciples still haven't believed in Christ unto individual salvation and personal forgiveness of sins—ie., justification before God at His Tribunal by faith? Of course, this is self-evidently not true. They had ALREADY believed in God and participated in individual salvation, and now they must believe in Jesus as God's Sent One, who will lead them into Israel's NATIONAL salvation where they are set free from their association with Israel's NATIONAL debt of sin so that God can make of them His Own debt-free great NATION—ie., justification before Christ at His 2nd Coming by faith plus works.
Jn. 17:6-16—The Father gave His Own people—those who ALREADY belonged to Him--over to the Son. The Son in turn took them out of the world so that He can bring them into the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Jn. 18:37—and here we come full circle with Jn. 3:21. All who ALREADY belong to and were the truth, all who ALREADY belong to and believe in the Father, worshipping Him in S/spirit and Truth, hear the Son, whom the Father sent to lead them into the Kingdom for He is the Father's Anointed One (the Messiah/Christ), the true King of Israel who will usher them into His Kingdom (Ps. 2).
If the Gospel of John is really an instruction manual for personal evangelism in the Dispensation of Grace, John's got everything backwards. Thankfully John doesn't have it wrong, historic Christianity's mostly vain religious system has it all wrong. The Gospel according to John, John's Good News to Israel, is that after waiting and watching for hundreds and thousands of years for God to send Someone who could save the Nation of Israel by fulfilling all the promises God gave to her, He has finally, now, AT THAT TIME, sent His Son to do just that. Finally, after all those years, the desires and hopes of the Believing Remnant of Israel—those of the Marys and the Josephs, the Annas and the Simeons, the Johns and the Peters—would be fulfilled by God's Sent One, His Own Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who had ALREADY believed in God to participate in individual salvation and receive personal forgiveness of sins unto eternal life, now were to believe in Jesus Christ, God's designated leaders so that they could also participate in Israel's NATIONAL salvation and receive remission (set free) from Israel's NATIONAL debt of sins becoming God's Own great, holy, debt-free NATION of Israel.
This topic is extremely important because when we go to the Gospel Accounts for the nuts-and-bolts explanation of individual, personal salvation it causes all kinds of confusion about the terms of that salvation. If Christ only died for His friends (Jn. 15:13), then we must have to make ourselves friends of God to be saved. We need to do a certain amount of “good” works or receive certain religious rites and rituals to make ourselves presentable to God; and even if we manage to make ourselves good enough for God, our salvation is still not eternally secure for we must endure to the end, resulting in lives of fear and despair. Or, you will accept the great error Calvinism and its various offshoots, which pretty much land you in the same terrible place of fear and despair. But all this confusion instantly disappears when we simply recognize that the Gospel Accounts don't give us the nuts-and-bolts explanation on how to participate in INDIVIDUAL salvation. They give us the nuts-and-bolts explanation of how a believer in God's Prophetic Program with Israel, who has ALREADY participated in INDIVIDUAL salvation, can now participate in Israel's NATIONAL salvation as well.
THANKS BE TO GOD! Paul is the one who fully explains the nuts-and-bolts of individual, personal salvation. It is based on the Good News of the Death and Resurrection of Christ, who died for us while we were yet weak, ungodly sinners on enemy status before Him. And because it is not based on who we are and what we do but who Christ is and what He did and does for us, it is—AGAIN, THANKS BE TO GOD--eternally secure (Rom. 3:21-25; 4:1-4; 5:6-10; 8:32-39; et al.). Today in the Dispensation of Grace, God is not working with the Nation of Israel, therefore, participating in Israel's NATIONAL salvation is not for us. Where the Gospel Accounts manifest, reveal, magnify and focus on God's provision of Israel's NATIONAL salvation, Paul's Epistles manifest, reveal, magnify, focus on God's provision of INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL salvation.
Once again, we see the importance of rightly-dividing the Scriptures.