Sunday, we looked at what it means to be centered IN-CHRIST right-now by looking at the example of our Apostle Paul in his Letter to the Philippians. For Paul, “seeing” Christ changed everything. Once he met Christ, everything thing he had previously put into the gain/asset column was instantly and eternally moved to the loss/debit column and some even to the dung column.
The WORST Thing We Can Do and a Cautionary Tale or Two
The worst thing we can do as believers is to add something—ANYTHING—to Pauline Grace Mystery Truth (PGMT). I know, we add things because we think we need to help God out a little. We add the world's business methods, the world's entertainment, the world's measures of success, to PGMT and run our churches accordingly. We think that if we can use these fleshly things, it will bring in more people to preach the Gospel to. We'll chalk one up for God.
But listen to my cautionary tale and be forewarned. I grew up in a “Grace” church where the pastor taught God's Word rightly-divided, recognizing Paul's distinct apostleship. But that church wasn't content with just proclaiming Paul's Gospel, the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the Mystery. They wanted to “grow.” According to the wisdom of the world: If you are not growing you are dying! So, they put on an addition and enlarged the parking lot, brought in professional music and entertainment, and added countless programs, and guess what? It worked. Pretty soon there were 1200+ attendees on a Sunday morning. Soon, the pews were filled with people and the coffers were filled with money. The church was full of people who were coming for the music and entertainment, activities for themselves and their children, but who had very little interest in that Pastor's unique message of PGMT.
The music and entertainment kept on growing, growing, growing, and the programs kept multiplying, multiplying, multiplying, and they were run more and more by people who had little or no sound doctrine. The corollary of this was that the preaching of PGMT grew less and less until one day, a day that turned my whole life upside down and inside out, it was completely snuffed out, and the Pastor left. All the noise covered over any attempt to boldly proclaim the Mystery. The music stayed! The entertainment stayed! The programs stayed! But the Grace message was kicked out.
To add anything to PGMT is to enter a law system, a system that tries to advance God's things or our position before Him by using methods and measures that operate according to the flesh rather than the Spirit. Perhaps, like the church I grew up in, we do this by bringing in professional music and programs, swamping the bold proclamation of PGMT (Eph. 6:19‑20) and silencing it. Or like the 2nd Grace Church I went to that added a certain brand of politics to PGMT. Pretty soon more was being taught about politics than about Paul's Gospel, resulting in its self-destruction. And then there was the 3rd Grace church I went to that added the KJVO to its teaching of PGMT, taking the focus off Christ and putting it on the KJVO controversy. Wow, I was really on a losing streak. But I thank God that I did eventually find a Grace church that just taught PGMT with as little distraction and contamination as possible and was, like the Apostle Paul, just content with that.
In our worldly wisdom, and human knowledge we think adding these kinds of things that the flesh can do to help God out will advance God's things and improve our position before Him. But they never do! No exceptions: NEVER! They always diminish PGMT and ultimately ruin it, and it goes back to the very days of Paul himself.
By the time you get to Romans 14, Paul had already given 13 chapters of doctrinal instruction, explaining that justified before God through Christ is by faith and grace (ie., not by the works of the Law through the flesh—Rom. 1-4); that we are sanctified and glorified by being created anew in Christ, made members of His new humanity called the Body of Christ (ie., NOT the Nation of Israel—Rom. 5-8); and that God has set aside His Prophetic Program with the Nation of Israel temporarily while He carries out His Mystery Program for the Body of Christ (ie., don't go back to God's Prophetic Program with Israel and its Scriptures without rightly-dividing them!).
So, guess what some in the assembly were doing. Surprise, surprise, they were taking PGMT and adding things from Israel's Law system to it. No doubt, they were thinking they were helping God out when, in fact, they were bringing the assemblies in Rome to destruction. Paul's teaching may be a good place to start, but if you really want to be spiritual you need to add things from the Law to it. But the instant you go under a law system—any law system—yes, the Mosaic Law, but also all those other religious and theological law systems that have cropped up in historic Christianity as well—the instant you go under it, you're either going to be honest and cry out like Paul, O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?; and immediately throw the law system away and fall on the Person and Work of the Lord Jesus Christ alone (Rom. 7:24‑25)! Or, more likely, you become a hypocrite, hand selecting bits and pieces of the Law that your flesh can keep, then bragging in it when it keeps it, pretending a superiority over others, or, as Paul says in another passage: Biting and devouring one another, take heed lest you consume one of another (Gal. 5:15)!
Contrary to traditional teaching, in Rom. 14, Paul isn't now coming along, after 13 chapters of in-depth instruction, telling them in chapter 14 that if they don't like what he wrote to them in the previous chapters, they can ignore it and do whatever they want. As long as you are sincere God and the rest of us will just have to go along. The problem in Rome was that there were believers in Rome, whom Paul calls weak believers (ones weak in PGMT—mostly of a Jewish background), that needed to be corrected otherwise the assemblies in Rom would divide and be destroyed just as it has throughout historic Christianity. It is that important, extremely important!
The issue Paul is talking about in Rom. 14-15 is whether or not the weak believers should be corrected—YES, THEY SHOULD! The question is HOW were they to be corrected? So far, the strong believers (ones strong in PGMT—mostly Gentile background) were trying to correct them by ridiculing and demeaning them. Paul rebukes the strong for this, reminding them that these are people Christ died for (Rom. 14:15). Paul instructs the strong that the right way to correct the weak believers was to in love take them under the arm, bringing them along gently, so they can teach them how to RIGHTLY-DIVIDE their Scriptures, building them up in God's truth for today (Rom. 15:1-22). Once the weak believers received and understood that, they would be taught by God that the things of Israel and her Law must NOT now be added to PGMT. Our completeness and spirituality does not come from who we are and what we do, but who Christ is and what He has done for and with us.
Let's watch how adding the Mosaic Law System (or any other law system!) according to the flesh to PGMT ruins and destroys everything:
- We'll concede Paul's preaching is a good start, but just a start (Gal. 3:1‑3).
- One group comes along, desiring to be more spiritual and feel closer to God, and they add the Law's food regulations to Paul's teaching (Rom. 14:2). We feel SUPER-spiritual now!
- Then others come along not content with that level of spirituality, so they not only add the Law's food regulations, but observe Israel's Feast Days as well (Rom. 14:5‑6). They are SUPER-SUPER-spiritual!!
- Then others come along, wanting to one-up that. They not only follow the Law's food regulations and observe the Feast Days, they also keep some of the Law's more esoteric commands, like not drinking wine in accord with the Nazarene vows (Rom. 14:21). They are SUPER-SUPER-SUPER-spiritual!!!
- And then others come along wanting to hit the ball way out of the spiritual park. Yes, we keep the food regulations, feast days and other esoteric commands, but we have been circumcised as well (Gal. 5:1-10)! Try to one-up that one! We are SUPER-SUPER-SUPER-SUPER-SUPER-spiritual!!!!!
Such is the futility of a law system according to the flesh, and its self-aggrandizing destructive power. We MUST NOT add anything to Pauline Grace Mystery Truth. Entering a law system according to the flesh is the very opposite of: But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (ie., NOT in the flesh-- 1 Cor. 1:30-31).