Fundamental 1: The Great Rejection
God is real, but why so unpopular?
This message is meant for people who don't believe there is a God.
Fundamental 2: The Great Deception
“I believe in God, and I believe I'm OK with Him”
The purpose is to explore some of God's attributes, and how these apply directly to every human being. This will hopefully reach people who are self-righteous and possibly religious, who see no need for anything to change.
Fundamental 3: The Greatest Provision
Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, totally apart from our works: a Personal Relationship with God through the Cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a clear presentation of the Gospel of the Grace of God and calls individuals to faith in the work of Christ on the cross.
The Great Rejection: God is real, but why so unpopular? This message is meant for people who don’t believe there is a God. This will include two messages, one this evening and the other, next Thursday.
The Great Deception: “I believe in God, and I believe I'm OK with Him”. The purpose is to explore some of God's attributes, and how these apply directly to every human being. This will hopefully reach people who are self-righteous and possibly religious, who see no need for anything to change.
The Greatest Provision: A Personal Relationship with God through the Cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ: This will include a clear presentation of the Gospel of the Grace of God and call individuals to faith in the work of Christ on the cross.
Future messages will also include:
The Greatest Book in the World: The Bible is God’s Word and can be understood and applied if studied the way God intended for us to study it, and derive the profit that God put in it; it must be rightly divided!
The Greatest Partnership in the World: This is a focus on prayer, how we can engage in prayer, what includes prayer for today considering what God is doing in our time.
The Greatest Power: God’s provision of power, in the past and in the present, and how to access that power to live a fruitful, productive, satisfying life that is guaranteed to please God.
The Great Leader: Whom are we to follow and obey? Anyone and everyone in the Bible? Or not? Paul is our Apostle!
The Greatest Purpose: Our Mission is to bring glory to God and be His Ambassadors in this world.
The Greatest Community: Our gathering together, how, where, when, and for what reason?
The Greatest Hope: What lies ahead for us, and how should we then live?
This is an 18–24-month project, and here are some more details:
The messages will be split into 25-minute segments, conducive for radio and YouTube broadcasting. So, beginning this evening, we will take a quick break after 25 minutes and do the second half of the message immediately following.
I’m hoping we will be able to put these messages into 10 booklets conducive for each of us to access and distribute to individuals to address their specific needs.
The goal is to put all these messages into a book.
Individuals attend our assembly either in person, or via the internet, and need a basic background that gives them an understanding of all these doctrines, and gives context to what they hear through our weekly messages.
The Great Rejection: God is real, but why so unpopular? This message is meant for people who don’t believe there is a God. This will include two messages, one this evening and the other, next Thursday.
The Great Deception: “I believe in God, and I believe I’m OK with Him”. The purpose is to explore some of God’s attributes, and how these apply directly to every human being. This will hopefully reach people who are self-righteous and possibly religious, who see no need for anything to change.
The Greatest Provision: A Personal Relationship with God through the Cross-work of the Lord Jesus Christ: This will include a clear presentation of the Gospel of the Grace of God and call individuals to faith in the work of Christ on the cross.
The Greatest Book in the World: The Bible is God’s Word and can be understood and applied if studied the way God intended for us to study it, and derive the profit that God put in it; it must be rightly divided!
The Greatest Partnership in the World: This is a focus on prayer, how we can engage in prayer, what includes prayer for today considering what God is doing in our time.
The Greatest Power: God’s provision of power, in the past and in the present, and how to access that power to live a fruitful, productive, satisfying life that is guaranteed to please God.
The Great Leader: Whom are we to follow and obey? Anyone and everyone in the Bible? Or not? Paul is our Apostle!
The Greatest Purpose: Our Mission is to bring glory to God and be His Ambassadors in this world.
The Greatest Community: Our gathering together, how, where, when, and for what reason?
The Greatest Hope: What lies ahead for us, and how should we then live?