Grace Bible Church of Rolling Meadows

The Attributes of God

Notes by Peter Philippi

  • An ATTRIBUTE = a quality of God
  • It is who God is in His very essence and nature
  • We can only know the nature of God in the statement and manifestation of His attributes
  • We can only know God through His Son Jesus Christ
  • God never violates any of His attributes in order to exercise another attribute
  • God has revealed Himself to man
  • God wants man to know Him
  • God wants a personal and intimate relationship with man
  • God is glorified as we acknowledge His attributes
  1. God is self-existent
    Definition: God has the ground of His existence in Himself

    “I AM THAT I AM”
  2. God is infinite
    Definition: God is unlimited in His being and perfections

    Immensity of God
    God is not limited, confined, bound or enclosed by space
  3. God is eternal
    Definition: God has no beginning or end

    Infinite = space
    Eternal = time

    Eternity with God is one NOW
  4. God is spirit
    Definition: God is immaterial (no matter or “physicalness”), invisible, alive & person

    This defines God's nature as spiritual
    As person He possesses:
    Self consciousness
    Self determination
  5. God is one
    Definition: God is undivided and indivisible

    God does not consist of parts, nor can He be broken down into various parts

    God is one, and the only one
  6. God is triune
    Definition: God exists in three distinct persons known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    ECHAD – compound unity
    ELOHIM – plurality

    Is only known by revelation
    Can only be accepted by faith in God's revelation
  7. God is omniscient – all knowing
    Definition: God knows all things actual or possible; past, present and future; perfectly and from all eternity

    Doesn't mean He predetermines everything

    Things do not take place because they are foreseen; they are foreseen because they will take place
  8. God is omnipotent – all powerful
    Definition: God is able to do whatever He wills

    Self-limited by His nature

    He always exercises His power in harmony with His essence, attributes and perfections

    There are many things God cannot do

    Doesn't mean He is the cause of everything that touches the life of the Christian
  9. God is omnipresent – present everywhere
    Definition: Because God is infinite and immense, He is present everywhere

    A threat and warning to the unbeliever

    A source of great comfort to the believer: the nearness of God
  10. God is immutable - unchanging
    Definition: God is unchangeable in His essence, nature and attributes

    All change in nature, essence or attributes would be for better or for worse

    He does change how He deals with man in keeping with man's responses, while not violating any of His attributes
  11. God is Holy
    Definition: God is absolutely separate from and exalted above all His creatures, and totally separate from all evil and sin

    It has to do with God's perfection and purity

    Holiness appears to occupy the highest rank among all His attributes

    • There is a huge chasm between God and the sinner;
    • Man cannot approach God on His own merits, but only through the merits of another;
    • We approach God with reverence;
    • A right view of the holiness of God leads to a right view of sin
  12. God is perfect
    Definition: God is without blemish or spot, upright, complete

    Only used once of God

    Used primarily of His Word and His work in man
  13. God is truth
    Definition: God's knowledge, declarations and representations eternally conform to reality

    Everything that proceeds from God is true

    Because God is true He can be fully trusted
  14. God is righteous/just
    Definition: Because of Who God is (Holy) He demands perfection and must punish sin, and do so without partiality

    Out of God's righteousness came a righteous Law with rewards and punishments

    We have no righteousness of our own

    The righteousness of God is revealed in the Gospel of His Son

    God's justice is accurate, inescapable (apart from His provision), severe and perfectly fair

    Righteousness cannot come by works

    Righteousness comes by faith, through Jesus Christ

    A Question for You:
    • Will you face the righteousness and justice of God on your own merit?
    • OR
    • Having received a gift-righteousness by faith in the cross-work of Christ?
  15. God is sovereign
    Definition: God's right and prerogative to act in keeping with the perfections of His nature

    God acts without permission or approval from anyone
    God rules and reigns sovereignly over His creation
  16. God is gracious
    Definition: God shows kindness and goodness to those who do not deserve it

    Grace is God's infinite generosity
    Grace cannot impose conditions
    Grace cannot have limits
    Grace cannot be diminished
    Grace cannot be withdrawn
    Grace cannot regard merit
    Grace cannot respect demerit
    Grace honors God
    Grace brings salvation
    Grace teaches us how to live
  17. God is Love
    Definition: God's love is defined by its characteristics and demonstrations

    God's love doesn't change or violate His other attributes (justice, holiness)
    The love of God is extremely personal (recipient)
    God is impersonal love (Giver)
    God is unconditional love
    The love of God is infinite
    The love of God draws us into a most personal relationship with Himself
    The love of God extends to the whole world
    The love of God never stops or changes
    The ultimate demonstration of how much God loves every one of us is Christ dying on the cross for us
    Grace has freed love to flow unhindered
    Love is the giving of oneself to meet the needs of another
    There is nothing that can come between God's love and the believer
    The love of God is the greatest driving force in the believer
    Love is recognized by what it does or doesn't do
  18. God is Good
    Definition: God is in His very nature and constitution upright and honorable, desiring to bless
  19. God is merciful
    Definition: Because God is compassionate and good He does not desire to inflict on us what we deserve
  20. God is Kind
    Definition: God is disposed to do good, desiring our happiness
  21. God is Faithful
    Definition: God is always true to His Word and can therefore be fully trusted
  22. God is Longsuffering
    Definition: God bears provocation for a looooong time
  23. God is Jealous
    Definition: Because of His great love God has a passion that arises when affections are placed on a rival, resulting in judgment
  24. God is a God of wrath
    Definition: God's holy and just indignation and punishment against sin
  25. God is not partial
    Definition: God is perfect in all His judgments and blessings