Grace Bible Church of Rolling Meadows


Notes by Peter Philippi

Apr 13, 2014 Audio

Apr 27, 2014 Audio

Greeting: grace and peace
  1. Paul's love and deep appreciation for the Philippians
    1. I'm thankful for you - 3
    2. I rejoice over you - 4 & 5
    3. I'm confident about you - 6
    4. I hold you in my heart - 7
    5. I yearn for you - 8
    6. I pray for you - 4, 9-11
Reasons for writing Philippians:
- Gratitude for their partnership
- Acknowledge their sufferings
- Address the unrest among some
Theme: the Christ-centered life
Author: Paul (includes Timothy, Epaphroditus penned it)
Servants of Jesus Christ
- Saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi
- With the bishops and deacons

May 4, 2014 Audio

Philippians 1

  1. The prominence of the gospel in Philippians
    1. Fellowship of the gospel 1:5
    2. Defense of the gospel 1:7, 17
    3. Confirmation of the gospel 1:7
    4. Furtherance of the gospel 1:12
    5. Live your life consistent with the gospel 1:27
    6. Striving together for the faith of the gospel 1:27
    7. Serving together in the gospel 2:22
    8. Laboring together in the gospel 4:3
    9. Support of the gospel ministry 4:15

    May 12, 2014 Audio

  2. Paul's prayer for the Philippians
    1. The cause of Paul's joy 1:1-8
      Their partnership in the gospel
    2. The content of Paul's prayer 1:9
      That their love may keep abounding
      That their knowledge may keep advancing
      That their discernment may keep accumulating
    3. The consequences expected from Paul's prayer

      May 18, 2014 Audio

      So that they may approve the things that differ
      Time past, ages to come and But Now
      Law and grace
      Conditional and unconditional blessing
      12 and Paul
      Prophetic and Mystery
      Kingdom and Body of Christ
      So that they may be pure and blameless
      So that they may be filled with the fruit of righteousness
      Trees in relationship to Israel
      Olive tree: spiritual life (Romans 11:17-24)
      Fig tree: religious life (Luke 13:6-9)
      Bramble: apostate Israel (Luke 6:44)
      Vine: national life (John 15:1-8)
      So that God may be praised and glorified

    May 25, 2014 Audio

  3. Paul's perspective on his circumstances
    The primary issue was magnifying Christ, the furtherance of the gospel and the spiritual welfare of the Philippians, and not what he was enduring
    12-13 The imprisonment became an opportunity
    14 The suffering emboldened other Christians
    15-18 Even the attack from the ulterior motives of other Christians became a cause for rejoicing
    19 The prayer of the Philippians was a source of encouragement and strength to Paul
    20-30 When grace lays hold of a Christian there is no defeating him!
    20: Paul's supreme goal: ashamed in nothing and Christ magnified always
    21: Paul's unwavering perspective: to live is Christ and to die is gain
    22-24: Paul's great inner conflict: be with Christ or contribute to their spiritual welfare
    25: I'm likely to stay for the benefit of your spiritual advancement and joy
    26: That you may rejoice the more in Jesus Christ through my ministry
    27: Make sure your life is compatible with the gospel
    28: Do not be intimidated by your enemies (as you stand firm, they're condemned)
    29: Do not forget that suffering for Christ is graciously given to you as an opportunity to magnify Him
    30: Your struggle will then be equal to mine

Philippians 2

Jun 01, 2014 Audio

Four truths Paul brings to their attention

  1. Consolation in Christ
  2. Comfort of love
  3. Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
  4. Bowels and mercies
  5. If there be any consolation in Christ = fulfil ye my joy by being like-minded
  6. If there be any comfort of love = fulfil ye my joy by having the same love
  7. If there be any fellowship of the Spirit = fulfil ye my joy by being of one accord
  8. If there be any bowels and mercies = fulfil ye my joy by being of one mind
  9. Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves
  10. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others
  11. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus (In His incarnation and sacrifice for us)
    1. Who as God didn't think of deity as something to be grasped 2:6
    2. Who made Himself of no reputation 2:7
    3. Who took upon Him the form of a servant 2:7
    4. Who was made in the likeness of men 2:7
    5. Who as a man humbled Himself 2:8
    6. Who as a man became obedient unto death, even death of the cross 2:8
    7. Who, having "served" mankind, was exalted by God 2:9
    8. Who, having been exalted, will be acknowledged as God by all of His creation 2:10-11

    Jun 08, 2014 Audio

    1. Paul urges consistent obedience 2:12a
    2. The mystery of man's responsibility and God's work in the believer 2:12b-13
    3. Our attitude as we live for God 2:14
    4. Our responsibility to this world 2:15-16a
    5. The believers' quality of life, Paul's great reward 2:16b-18

    Jun 15, 2014 Audio

    1. Timothy, the hope of good news 2:19
    2. Timothy, the caring, true partner 2:20
    3. Timothy, the selfless servant 2:21
    4. Timothy, the proven servant 2:22
    5. Timothy, the reliable messenger 2:23-24

    Jun 22, 2014 Audio

    1. Epaphroditus, the faithful co-laborer 2:25
    2. Epaphroditus, the truly caring man 2:26
    3. Epaphroditus, the protected partner 2:27
    4. Epaphroditus, sent to encourage 2:28
    5. Epaphroditus, the honored servant 2:29
    6. Epaphroditus, the sacrificial and unselfish minister 2:30

Philippians 3

Jun 29, 2014 Audio

Paul's instructions and warnings
  1. Rejoice in the Lord 1a
    IN the Lord in all that Christ has done for us (2:7-8; salvation in Christ our future )
    Romans 5:1-2
    Philippians 3:3; 4:4
  2. The need to repeat some instructions and warnings 1b
    Grievous = slothful, inappropriate
    Safe = suited to confirm, appropriate
  3. Beware of attackers!
    Dogs: Mt. 15:21-28 (Gentiles) In Philippians 3 applied to Jews!!!
    Verse 2 describes them further (Judaizers)
  4. Jun 29, 2014 Audio

  5. Understand who we are!
    The true circumcision this in contrast to whom he describes in verse 2
    Colossians 2:10-14
    1. That worship God in the spirit (versus outward religion)
    2. That rejoice in Christ Jesus (only happy when they are the center and focus of attention see Galatians!)
    3. That have no confidence in the flesh (it's all THEY have!)
  6. If anyone could have confidence in the flesh certainly Paul could!
    1. Based on his pedigree 5a
    2. Based on his unequaled accomplishments 5b-6
  7. Once you become a Christian your values change dramatically
    1. Now, any and all religious assets that I trusted in I see as a liability 7
    2. Now, knowing Christ becomes everything 8a, 10a
    3. Now, all that I used to trust in I see as a complete and total waste 8b
    4. Now, pleasing Christ is everything 8c
    5. Now, possessing His righteousness is everything 9
    6. Now, living by the power of His resurrection is everything 10a
    7. Now, experiencing the partnership of suffering for Christ is everything 10b
    8. Jul 20, 2014 Audio

    9. Now, focusing on continuously advancing spiritually is everything 11-15
    10. Now, following Paul as our one and only apostle is everything 16-17

    Jul 27, 2014 Audio

  8. The tragedy of religion without the knowledge of THE TRUTH 18-19
    The indictments:
    1. Enemies of the cross
    2. Whose end is destruction
    3. Whose god is their belly
    4. Whose glory is in their shame
    5. Who mind earthly things
  9. The glorious truth is that we are now citizens of heaven 20-21
    1. It's where Christ is coming from for us 20
    2. And when He will completely transform our sin-cursed bodies 21

Philippians 4

Aug 10, 2014 Audio

  1. The depth of Paul's love and care 4:1
  2. The exhortation to help two women reconcile their differences 4:2-3
  3. The imperative to rejoice in the Lord always 4:4
  4. The appeal for gentleness 4:5a
  5. The reality that the Lord's coming is imminent 4:5b
  6. Aug 24, 2014 Audio

  7. The instruction to avoid anxiety and worry 4:6
    • The Problem: anxiety, worry, stress (6a)
    • The Need: the peace of God (7, 9)
    • The Battleground: the mind (7, 8)
    • The solution: a) what we feed the mind, and b) whom we listen to, whom we believe and whom we follow

    • The issue: one of power and control; you can...
      1. Allow this worry and anxiety control YOU...but: 6a
        OR, you can TAKE control, understanding:
      2. The power of communicating with God – 6
      3. The power of your attitude – 6
      4. The power of your thinking – 7-8
      5. The power of making God's message TO US, OURS -9
      6. The power of generosity – 10, 15-16, 18
      7. The power of Christ's enablement when we align ourselves with God's plan – 13, 19
  8. The provision of God's peace as a sure guard of our hearts and minds 4:7
  9. The focus of our thinking 4:8
  10. The meaning of being followers of Paul 4:9
  11. The care of the Philippians for Paul 4:10, 14-18
  12. The complete sufficiency of Christ's strength 4:11-13
  13. The promise of God's supply 4:19
  14. The final farewells 4:20-23

Philippians Review

  1. Paul's appreciation for the Philippians 1:1-8
  2. Paul's prayer for them 1:9-11
  3. Paul's perspective on his difficulties 1:12-26
  4. Paul's encouragement to remain steadfast 1:27-30
  5. Paul's appeal for true unity 2:1-4
  6. Paul's presentation of Christ's supreme example 2:5-11
  7. Paul's exhortation to be faithful 2:12-16
  8. Paul's co-laborers Timothy and Epaphroditus 2:17-30
  9. Paul's warning of spiritual enemies and what really matters in the Christian life 3:4-21
  10. Paul's direction to help sisters that are having conflicts 4:1-3
  11. Paul's understanding of the struggles in the Christian life 4:4-9
  12. Paul's gratitude for their constant support of his ministry 4:10-19
  13. Paul's farewells 4:20-23